This week has been World Religion Week in school and 10R have been learning all about Hinduism. We have learnt about Hindu Temples and the god Brahman and how worship takes place amongst Hindus. We have also looked at the creative side within the Hindu faith. This has seen 10R create their very own Henna tattoos popular amongst Hindu people and also drew some Rangoli patterns which are drawn by Hindus on the floors of their homes during Diwali. Diwali is the festival of light and so we also made some fantastic firework pictures and created some lamps as these are used during the festival celebrations. There were some superb creations as I’m sure you will agree from the photos.

Amongst the excitement of the celebrations this week we found time to relax and take part in some Yoga which everybody found very interesting and were all very sensible when doing so. Some of us even found time to dress up in Hindu style clothing which was tricky at first but Mrs Woods and Mrs Bretherton stuck to the task and looked fabulous.

We also learnt to write in Hindi using rice, sand and on paper. This was not easy but everybody had a go and produced some good work.

We ended the week on a tasty note and looked at foods eaten by the Hindus. This is traditionally Indian food so we tried some Pakoras, Bhajis, Samosas and Poppadoms. 10R were quite unsure at first about trying some new foods but eventually we all tried something and enjoyed it too. However some of the new flavours caused some ‘interesting’ faces.

Wow what a week!!! Myself, Mrs Woods and Mrs Bretherton are so so proud of all our class and how they listened, took part and achieved some fantastic work.

Well done 10R.