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The Hungry Caterpillar visits Oak Class!
What a busy active few weeks we’ve had in Oak Class!
We’ve been practicing our hand and foot coordination in P.E through catching, throwing and kicking balls. Also we continue to strengthen our core during our weekly balance bikes sessions too.
Some of Oak Class have walked to Astley…
A Healthy Frosty New Year in Oak!
A busy healthy and frosty start to the term in Oak Class!
We have all settled back into our daily routine well and have enjoyed exploring the snowy frosty environment this week.
At Asda we have bought lots of fruit and vegetables for our friends to enjoy at snack time. This has helped us…

Autumn 2 so far in Sycamore Class
This half term so far we have enjoyed a range of different activities, these include, celebrating Halloween and exploring a variety of Halloween themed activities, such as pumpkin picking in our very own pumpkin patch, pumpkin carving and spooky stories with Mrs Mahood. We have also done…