Dear 9G, 

The last two weeks have been a little bit strange with all of you working hard from home. I hope you are all doing well and making super choices! I have enjoyed speaking to your families about what you have been getting up to and particularly enjoyed receiving pictures of you all working hard. Miss Bamber and I are all missing you and can’t wait till we can all be together again soon. 

It has been brilliant to see you all working hard on Education City, Purple Mash and working hard to complete the work packs I set you all. You have also been doing some fun activities at home which is fantastic to hear. Alex has been having fun riding his bike and working on his wring skills, Mason has been working on finding places on google maps, Calum wrote a detailed poster about the Coronavirus, Dylan and Alex has been practising his maths skills and Hayden has been helping mum around the house. Wow! Well done everyone! I can’t wait to see what you do next week.

Please keep sending me videos and pictures of your fantastic work.

Stay safe and look after yourselves. 

Miss Robertson, Miss Bamber