Well after seeing Mr Massey's blog and then Mrs Fisher's we thought it was such a lovely idea we've decided to copy Mr Massey's idea. You have been sending us  lots of photographs of all the fun activities you have been doing so thought you should see and hear what we have been up to whilst staying safe with our families.  Firstly a big hello and welcome to 8R's new class teacher Mrs Down. Mrs Down joins us in very strange times but we are having lots of emails and video calls to help Mrs Down become part of our great 8R class team. I'm sure Mrs Down is looking forward to meeting you all and seeing what superstars you are. Mrs Down will be in class Wednesday mornings Thursdays and Fridays covering the days that Miss Heaton used to teach us. So shall we see what everyone has been up to?


Mrs Clarke what have you been up to?

Hi Everyone, hope you're all OK, I'm missing you all and hope you had a lovely Easter. We have been very busy in our house and we have been having lots of fun. In between working and helping Jake do his school work we have been enjoying the sunshine in the garden, Jake and Annie have especially liked playing on the trampoline and the slide. We have also been watching the school's YouTube channel and have done a few of those activities, a big hit was the rainbow water play which we made into ice cubes. We've also planted some seeds which turned out to be a very messy job!! At the weekend Mr Clarke helped Jake and Annie to make a hippo and a monster out of cardboard boxes, they had great fun but I'm not sure Annie will be hired for the next job as she kept running away with the tape! I've included some photos of our dogs too, I think they'll be happy when we're back at school so they can have some peace ha ha. Take care everyone and I can't wait to see what you've all been up to.

Mrs Down what have you been up to?


My family and I have been very busy these past few weeks. We have completed lots of jigsaws, some took days! Lots of lovely walks in the sunshine with our dogs Sid and Benjy, and Mr Down has made a birdhouse. I will keep you updated if any birds make it their home.

I have also been catching up on all the great things 8G have been doing at school and home this year, very impressive! Keep up the good work and I can’t wait to meet you all soon, Mrs Down



Miss Zara what have you been up to?

I have been keeping fit doing some exercise every day. I am reading lots of books, watching films and cooking. I am enjoying the sunshine in the garden, and playing with my cats.


And Mrs Devlin?

Well I have been very busy decorating my bathroom (I had had the wallpaper for sometime) Then my niece Lianne turned 21, so Megan made her a fantastic cake and we delivered a cake, card, pressie and balloons whilst safely socially distancing. The cake looked amazing but we didn't get to try any! Archie the very naughty husky has been keeping me and Mr Devlin busy and as the weather has been so nice, he loves to cool off down by the River Yarrow on our daily walk. We've been enjoying some fantastic Zoom quizzes and currently have won both Devlin ones so we are going for a hat trick on Saturday. I wont mention the Astley Park one! Mr Devlin is extremely busy at work so poor Mrs Devlin has had to start doing some cooking again, our class know who usually cooks in our house and it isn't me. Megan has introduced what she has labelled "OAP Bootcamp" in the garden to help me keep my fitness levels up. I also had the pleasure of tidying our very messy summer house out so that we could use it in this beautiful weather. The spiders weren't very happy at being evicted.In between all that  the staff are busy working from home which I find quite challenging to say the least. I have been very enthusiastically clapping for carers on a Thursday and Mr Devlin does like to be the loudest one on our street, this week he introduced a very noisy air horn. Id love to hear if you are doing the same on your streets. Take care everybody and keep sending us your photographs

.As you can see all the staff have something in common, we all have pets!! Watch this space as Mrs Clarke may just have something up her sleeve to keep you entertained.We are all missing spending our days together as 8R but we have to stay safe and stay home until we are told it is safe to start getting back to normal. In the meantime have fun at home with your loved ones.