Hello everyone!!

Well the sun is STILL shining and - judging by all the fantastic photos and stories that you have been sending me,  you have all certainly been making the most of the lovely weather.

This week I have managed to plant some vegetables in my veggie patch as well as planting some tomatoes and peppers in pots in my green house. My two dogs have enjoyed some lovely riverside walks and I have done lots of baking with my children. So what have you all been up to?


Eleanor has been on lots of walks. She loves taking her dogs with her and throwing things into the pond for them to cool down and have a swim. Stan does all his own stunts. There is even a photo of Stan bouncing into the pond - take a look!!  Eleanor also had a fantastic Pajamarama day with Mum. She enjoyed reading stores and playing twister in her onesie!  She has done lots of work too, especially practising her writing. Well done Eleanor!!  She really enjoyed MADD week and took part in the Flag competition too. Flag

Georgia is getting very good at Uno - she has been playing with her Nanna and Grandad via facetime. She has taken some of her work outside into the sunshine and enjoyed some sequencing activities as well as helping Dad to cook pizza. Georgia has worked hard on measurement this week and Dad has told me that she did it with no help at all. Well done Georgia! Mrs Mahood's brownie video has gone down a storm and Georgia has practised her weighing skills and made some for her family.  Also well done Georgia - you came third place in the Flag competition!! 

Isaac has been doing lots too.  He has enjoyed playing board games, particularly 'The Hungry Caterpillar.' He has been practising measuring and made some delicious flapjacks for his family and even helped Mum make chilli. Mum told me that he listened very carefully and was able to find all the ingredients when she asked him to. Isaac talked about hot and cold and how he could differentiate such as bubbling when hot, changes in colour for the meat cooking, sizzling sounds and steam. He even signed to Mum that onions made his eyes water!   Isaac has really taken to writing on his white board. He has been writing the names of the Pops family without any encouragement. Well done Isaac - those letter shapes are amazing!!  Keep practising. He likes to play with the Pop family memory cards and has done some cutting and sticking activities. Isaac has also been learning about shapes in the environment and thinking about his numbers too. In the garden, Isaac has been keeping fit by playing games and using a ball to practice his throwing and catching. He has spent time thinking about healthy and unhealthy food too, helped Mum with the washing and worked hard planting flowers into the garden. Great work Isaac!!

Jessie has had an exciting delivery this week - A trampoline!!! She has sent me a fantastic video of her playing with Dollyo on it - lovely to see you doing some fantastic exercise Jessie - keep it up. She has been very busy colouring! She has updated her rainbow pictures in the front window and replaced them with a beautiful string of rainbow bunting to show all the lovely nurses and doctors how much her family are thinking of them.

Joshua has been doing lots of work with his mum. He has been looking shapes in the environment and learning about 2d shapes including the hexagon, octogan and rhombus. He has been out with Mum each day and has been watching the tadpoles as they grow in ponds near his house.He even saw a squirrel resting in a tree!!  He has been practising adding one more to numbers and playing skittles in the back garden, 

Nathan has been working hard on his school work and has sent me lots of writing, maths and science work and I know that he has been busy helping his Mum at home. He been making his own lunch and practising using utensils safely especially knives. He has been looking at different foods and labelling into their foods groups like proteins and carbohydrates - well done Nathan! 

Amelia enjoyed some fantastic MADD week activities last week and helped me out by being an animal in our YouTube  Australian video story - The Adventures of a Boomerang. 

Mr Connor has sent me a message for you all:

"Hi everyone, its been really nice to see all the hard work you've all been doing and its been super to hear you've been remembering to  exercise and keep healthy! I've been keeping busy with lots of work at home too. I've been doing work on the computer and some jobs around the home like cleaning and looking after my new 8 week old puppy named Nala who's very small but playful! 

I'm looking forward to continue to see all the lovely things you are all doing and hope you're all remembering to keep safe."

From Mr Connor


Lastly, with VE day tomorrow, please don't forget to send me any photos or stories that you might have. I'd love to see you helping make snacks for afternoon tea or colouring in bunting. I hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow and enjoy the celebrations. I know we will!

As always, please contact me directly on powella@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk if you have any questions or need anything.


Best wishes

Mrs Powell