Breathing is a great way to focus the mind. It can stop unwanted distractions and help us to concentrate on what is important. 

Try this:

  • Stand or sit for this activity.
  • Put both hands on your belly.
  • Close your eyes, or look down to your hands.
  • You may like to count “1, 2, 3” for each breath in and “1, 2, 3” for each breath out, pausing slightly at the end of each exhale.
  • Now think about how the breath feels, answering the following questions silently, in your mind.
    – What is moving your hands? Is it the air filling your lungs?
    – Can you feel the air moving in through your nose?
    – Can you feel it moving out through your nose?
    – Does the air feel a little colder on the way in and warmer on the way out?
    – Can you hear your breath?
    – What does it sound like?


If you are struggling to focus make a pin wheel shown above. Use the sheet to complete mindful colouring and then concentrate on the object spinning when you breathe. If you can see it, you may think it is working better for you. 


If you want to be totally creative use your talents to create your own design windmill object for you to blow.


Let me know how you get on!


Mrs Tolan