Hi Everyone,

Another week of learning from home done. You have all been very busy!

I just wanted to say how lovely it was to see some of you on our video call this week! And well done for taking part in the plank challenge! I will be sending you a special mention!

Congratulations to Joshua and Eshan, you have both achieved silver this week in the 6 Star Challenge! I wonder if anyone else will join them.

So, let’s see what you have all been doing …


Harry has been doing some really good number recognition work, using his football book to help him! He was very lucky this week as he got to go to McDonald’s which has re-opened! It looks yummy! A few weeks ago, it was Harry’s birthday, but he didn’t get to celebrate it with his dad, so he had a second birthday celebration! Looks fun Harry!


Eshan has been working hard as always! He has been practicing his money skills, sorting healthy and unhealthy foods and has made a beautiful caterpillar from things he found in the garden. He did really well in the 6 Star Challenge, putting away the washing, looking for bugs, doing yoga, taking part in the plank challenge and looking for shapes in his bedroom! Well done!


Joshua also did well in the six-star challenge. Joshua acted out his favourite story, put away some washing, did a plank, did some yoga and found shapes in his bedroom! He has been working hard on his spelling of ee, ai and oa words this week. Joshua also sorted foods into categories and continued to sequence the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Joshua made a lovely paper chain caterpillar as part of his fine motor skills work.


Clayton has been on some lovely walks this week. He also has done lots of colouring by numbers (Clayton you have got me started with this too!) If you look at the pictures, you can see Clayton has practised writing the words for some teen numbers. Fab!


Tyler has done lots of Cosmic Kids Yoga this week! He has also done some super work, sorting healthy and unhealthy foods, painting and adding coins together! Brilliant!


Katie has had another great week in school! Katie created a beautiful fingerprint rainbow, sequenced the story of ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and wrote some sentences about ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. She has also sorted different foods into healthy and unhealthy and practiced her number bonds to 10! Katie really enjoys drawing and her dad sent me a lovely drawing she had produced! Well done!


Reece has lots of fun on his trampoline again. He has also been watching lots of quiz shows that he enjoys on the television!


Jacob has tried hard with his money work this week. He really enjoyed being on the class video call with his friends and was super amazing at doing the plank challenge! Well done!


I wonder what the adults have been doing?

Miss Hendy

I have been working at home again this week, so having a video call with some of the class was great fun! I went for a walk at the weekend with Mrs Mahood and Barney. We saw lots of little ducklings! It was a very long walk, my feet hurt afterwards! I have spent some time relaxing this week as well, lighting my lovely new rose candle that my friend made for me. When I had time, I went to see my mum and sister at a 2-metre distance. In the garden, my mum has lots of lovely plants. My favourite is the Passionflower that you can see in the picture! I also went to get my first McDonald’s too. Can anyone tell me if chips are healthy or unhealthy food? Or which food category they come under? Please send me an email if you know!

Mrs Mahood

Mrs Mahood has been busy working from home too. She has been getting ready to make some videos for the school YouTube channel. She has also done a little bit of baking. Doesn’t that cake look good! Barney loves spending time with Mrs Mahood and kept trying to jump on her knee!

Mrs Webb

Mrs Webb has also been working at home! She has been making something for a new YouTube video. I wonder what it is? She has also been on some walks with her dogs Luna and Daisy!

Miss McPartlin

Miss McPartlin has been super busy helping me make some resources to send home for you. She has also been getting ready for a new YouTube video as well. As well as this, she has been watching Disney films with her daughter Emilia and going on some local walks.

Well done everyone for all your hard work. I really enjoy hearing from you all, and all the 7G adults miss you!

Next week our video call is Wednesday so don’t forget we are doing a Show and Tell! Please bring anything you would like to show everyone, demonstrate or talk about.

Stay Safe Everyone!