Hello!!! Welcome back to school everyone and to what has started as a very different year 11.

At the moment, some things will be different in school but advice is changing all the time, so we will make sure that you are kept up to speed with any further changes to class routines. Needless to say, we will always attempt to ensure that the well being and happiness of the students is paramount.
The first four weeks we will be concentrating on settling the students back into the school routine. We will be taking part in activities that are linked to our recovery curriculum and encouraging the elements of: Socialising, Movement, Interest, Learning and Engagement and the focus of these elements will be seen in activities both in school and at home. For the days that your child is not in school we will facilitate homework, some of which will be linked to a YouTube video that will be uploaded each Monday. Information for each week's homework will follow in the video itself. I will also set some educational games and work on Education City / Purple Mash. This is extra work for you to choose to do with your child should you so wish.  Finally, we will be providing an opportunity for the students to attend a video call (from home) once a week. 

Lunchtime - students will be eating in class before a bubble-distanced break outside at playtime.

PE will mainly be in the form of dance or yoga in the class room. Once we have more time outside and, if we can start to use facilities such as Inspire, we will send information as to when students will need to wear sports clothes. 
Snack - Being in year 11, students will be expected to prepare snacks and drinks for themselves and their friends. Snack money will be 50p a week whilst on the two day schedule rising to £1 a week when we return to full time.
Trip / visits into the community - At present we will be staying in the school grounds. Again if this changes, we will let you know. 
Home school diaries are now permitted so please ensure that you read these and return everyday as we will be using these to communicate any imminent changes or make requests. 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me directly:



Mrs Powell, Ms. Lea & Mrs Matthew