Oh what a fantastic week we've had in Chestnut Class. Its been great all being back together again. This week we've been learning about the Three Bears and watched the Goldilocks story. We've listened to lots of number songs and practiced counting 3 bowls, 3 bears, 3 beds and 3 chairs. Weve been getting creative making our own bears faces using plates and sprinkling oats. We've done great exploring in our own bears cave, the dark den, with the torches singing 'who can we see, who can we see?' 

The nature walk around the track and playground was great fun seeing what we could hear and see. Then we had a try at making our own porridge doing good mixing and pouring. 

We have done great sorting of big and small bears and matching different colours too! 

We ended our busy week with a lovely coffee morning, shared with parents via teams. Everyone in Chestnut Class chose a cake using the symbols and did fantastic talking saying which cake they wanted. If anybody would like to donate to Macmillan, the link is https://thyg.uk/BUU004692797

Have a great weekend everyone!

From all of Chestnut Class