As Celebrations has been our theme this first term, we obviously had to end it by looking at Christmas!

On Monday we finally filmed our scenes for the school's virtual nativity "Coronativity" outside on the field (we play the part of the wise men seeing the star in the sky and following it to find the baby Jesus). We donned our crowns and practiced pointing and looking longingly at the star in the sky. I definitely think we have some budding actors in 7A judging by their performances this week.

On Tuesday we read a new story "Rudey's Windy Christmas" which was all about Father Christmas feeding Rudolph his sprouts from his Christmas dinner because Father Christmas doesn't like them and leading to some very smelly consequences! We used our 1:1 iPads to build sentences on the Book Creator app using Colourful Semantics to help us to structure our sentences correctly. Some pupils were working on remembering to add a full stop at the end of their sentence and others were practicing their letter formation.

On Tuesday afternoon Ms Carter explained to everyone that she was going to Tesco that night to finish off buying supplies for our Christmas party on Wednesday. We made her a list of items and then we used the Tesco website to find out which specific products we wanted her to purchase and then, how much they would cost. Jake took control of the website and we practiced using a calculator to add up the total amount of money that Ms Carter would need to take with her.

On Wednesday it was Christmas party day! As a treat we chose a Christmas film to watch in the morning- Home Alone. We enjoyed some snacks as we watched and it was a lovely calm start to the day for 7A. Before lunch we took it in turns to make our sandwiches for our party. Everyone got to butter their bread and then come up to "Ms Carter's Deli" at the front of class and choose their fillings to finish off their sandwiches. After playtime and a quick walk around the track, we were all ready for something to eat. After we had eaten it was time for the party. At Connor's request, we played some Just Dance and copied some of the videos on YouTube on the big screen a the front of class. Then we played some party games- musical statues to begin with (Connor won) and then musical chairs where Jake was the winner. It was very clear to see that we have some extremely competitive pupils in 7A so it was useful to discuss about being fair and that it's nice to win but it doesn't matter if we don't win and that we should be happy for the person who does win. This is still a work in progress!! But we will continue to work on these social skills as a class.

Mrs Fisher, Ms Carter, Mrs Taylor and Mr Stokes