Rowan have had another busy week! As well as celebrating World Book Day on Thurs and having lots of fun......

We have done some super maths learning again all about money and the children are working very hard to learn new skills with money

We have been talking about strangers this week too and safer strangers and the children have shown super understanding about how to stay safe around strangers. Do you know who a stranger would be to you? And do you know Safer strangers who would be able to help you if you ever needed help?? Have a think........

We had a teams chat on Weds with Miss Troughton where we made some lovely pots ready for planting!

We have continued our story The Tiger Who Came To Tea and we have been working on our sentences using colourful semantics and writing some super sentences and also sequencing pictures from the story working very hard!

We have done some Attention Autism sessions which we have enjoyed about planting followed by some experimenting with flower petals using food colouring to see if the petal would change colour.....What do you think happened??

Thursday was our world book day and the children looked fantastic in their costumes which was really great to see! We had Superman, Harry Potter, A unicorn and Super Tato!!
The teams chat was lovely where the story Super Tato was read to everyone and then they had the chance to show each other what costumes they were wearing. It was great to see our learners at home getting involved too.
Following on from the story we used potatoes and got creative to make our own Super Tato Hero! as well as some fun colouring activities.

In the afternoon they had great fun sharing their costumes with the whole school in the Parade and they loved seeing everyone else's costume ideas via teams.

Have a super weekend everyone and we look forward to welcoming you all back to school on Monday!