In Oak Class this week we have been exploring our theme of zoo through The Monkey Puzzle, a sensory story about a little monkey who lost his mum and we saw a slithering snake, a ribetting frog, a beautiful butterfly and a brightly coloured parrot with lots of fluffy feathers which we got to feel (from our craft box, not a real parrot!). 

We continued monkeying around when we practiced our turn-taking and fine motor when playing the Falling Monkey game, a game where we carefully removed different colours sticks (as instructed by our teachers) to try not to let the monkeys fall through the tree. 

We also played the Rattle Snake game, where we tried very hard to get the jewels from the snake’s treasure chest before the snake woke up. We did good sharing and turn-taking with our friends.


We all did very well at practicing our communication through a jigsaw puzzle with lots of animals. We chose the picture of the jigsaw piece we wanted then said to our teachers “I want ...monkey... please” before putting the matching piece in the puzzle! 

We can’t wait to see what animals we find in The Zoo next week.