Wow, Summer 1 has flown by. We can't believe we only have one more half term and then we will having finished in 9G! 

The last two weeks have been busy getting finished off for the holidays. 9G have measured their bean plants, which are growing steadily. Some haven't grown yet so we are going to replant them and see what happens. Miss Hendy is going to take them home and look after them through the holidays to see how much further they go so we can record their height and what they look like again!

9G have worked on writing their own postcards during My Communication. We have been writing sentences about what we have done on our pretend camping holiday using colourful semantics and images to prompt us. 9G have also continued to work on their addition and subtraction and money work with growing independence. 

On of our main aims over the past few weeks was to continue to work on our communication and turn taking skills. We have done this through both turn taking and Lego Therapy which the we have really enjoyed. In addition to this, 9G have continued to access our continuous provision areas, and sensory activities.

9G had a fab time having a go at Miss Hendy's obstacle course, finding different numbers at the end that they needed to put in order. Miss Hendy and Mr Stokes even had a race and Mr Stokes won!

Well done 9G for another amazing half term, and I can't wait to see you for our final half term in summer 2! 

Miss Hendy, Mrs England Miss McPartlin and Mr Stokes