Chestnut Class have all been happy to be back at school after the half term holidays.

Yesterday we watched Miss Heaton do a super colourful 'What's in the Box'. She put lots of paper towels in a tray and then used pipettes with different coloured water to make marks. It was fun to watch and then we all had a turn ourselves!!

We used our communication skills to choose the colour we wanted, and then our fine motor skills to squeeze up the water and squeeze it back out onto the paper towels. We all enjoyed watching what marks the water made and how the colours spread and mixed. Our finished work is going to be used as part of a card we are making for a special day that is coming up very soon.

This week our star is ........... Harrison!!! Harrison has had a fantastic week and has done some super work with the 5 little ducks. We saw lots of fantastic signing and vocalising!!! Well done Harrison.

Have a lovely weekend in the sun everyone!!

Miss Heaton, Miss Beck, Mrs Worthington and Mrs Tate