10R have a had a busy last week before half-term! We had our food tech lesson on Monday where we learnt to make savoury rice and in our PE lesson on Wednesday we continued our netball lessons and played a big game with the whole class. On Thursday we celebrated Give Racism the Red Card and we learnt about how even though people may not all look the same, we're all deserving of respect and kindness.

This week we've also been getting into the Halloween spirit with out pumpkin carving and decoration making, creating some spooky skeleton artwork and making paper chains for the Halloween disco. We also all worked together the get the prizes for the chocolate tombola ready, a huge task that everyone really helped out with.

After half-term we'll be continuing with our visits to the leisure centre for PE on a Wednesday and with our community visits on a Friday, but we'll also be starting swimming on a Monday morning so if we could ask that all the learners come with their swimming kits starting from the 31st October (the first Monday back).

Forms have been sent back regarding the Calvert Trust residential so if we could have those returned ASAP please. If you have any questions don't hesitate to email Mrs Powell.

Snack remains £1 a week for those who would like it and we ask, if possible, for a donation of £1 for our food tech lesson supplies as well- any help would be greatly appreciated.

On behalf of the whole class team we wish you all a fun and restful half-term and we'll see you soon!

Mrs Powell, Mrs Woods and Miss Carter.