Happy Halloween and Bonfire Night from Maple Class!


What a fabulous week we’ve had in Maple Class. On Monday Maple Class enjoyed a day filled with dress up, using our fine motor skills to make spooky spider webs, pumpkin sun catchers and a Halloween hunt in the Woods using our wonderful communication skills to find lots of ghoulish characters! We enjoyed a pumpkin sensory tray, using utensils to scoop and fill containers of wonderful pumpkin mess! We loved the sparkly pumpkin creation during Stage 2 Attention Autism and located one of our favourite books, ‘That’s not my Bat!’


This week we have also enjoyed Bonfire themed fun! We enjoyed role playing bonfire night, toasting marshmallows on the fire, following visuals to make chocolate sprinkles covered apples and listening to the crackles and bangs of Fireworks. We’ve have been copying a simple modelled firework art from Stage 3 Attention Autism and adding glitter for effect. Super engagement Maple Class!

Happy Halloween everyone and enjoy the fireworks safely this weekend.