9A healthy cooking activity this week was to make a home made pizza on a tortilla wrap. 

On Monday morning, in Nurture Time, the class had to design their own pizza, choosing what topping they wanted. The toppings to choose from was ham, chicken and pepperoni, with additional toppings of onions and peppers. 

The learners drew their pizza toppings on a template and labelled it. 

Knowing what the learners wanted on their pizza helped Monday’s shopping group to make a shopping list on the quantity of the toppings. Pepperoni was the favourite with ham and chicken next, not forgetting the extra onions and peppers. Some of 9A opted for the good old margarita pizza (cheese and tomato). 

On Tuesday, it was time to make our tortilla pizzas. 9A followed Ms Carter’s step by step instructions, spreading the tomato purée all over the tortilla wrap, grated some cheese and sprinkling it on top. Then the learners placed on their toppings.

Miss Buck was in charge of the baking of the pizza and what a good job Miss Buck did. They looked and smelt delicious, and we all agreed (myself, Miss Buck, Miss Howarth and Miss Howden) that the class had done a cracking job, so we let them eat half the pizza for snack and took the other half home to show you all. As Miss Berry wasn’t in that day, we saved her a slice. 

The class also made a fruit salad. Instead of making it for themselves, they made it for a friend in class, so they had to follow another labelled design of a fruit salad that their friend had done. 

Again, well done to you all for knowing and understanding that we all like different fruits. 

Wonder what we will be making next week?