What a busy week we seem to have had in 10G this week! We have welcome Miss Greenwood into the 10G family and she has been a brilliant fit to our team. Miss Patterson is having lots of fun down in Oak class too.

On Monday morning, Group 1 went shopping to Asda with Mrs Fisher and Miss Greenwood. We continued to use a shopping list correctly and finding our way around Asda with some independence. Back in school, Mrs Cobham, Miss Smith and Miss Holliday were completing some Maths work with everyone else. Some of us were working in the workstation, some of us were playing dominoes for telling the time, and some of us were working with money.

In the afternoon we continued our PSHE lessons, learning about the parts of the body and moving on to talking about how boys and girls bodies change during puberty. We had some very interesting discussions about which changes happen to boys, which happen to girls and which changes happen to boys and girls. It was really good to hear what information everyone had retained from the session and how some of us are relating the information to our own bodies.

We finished the afternoon with some targeted intervention work. Mrs Cobham led a group who were working on some Lego Therapy and Mrs Fisher’s group looked at Zones and in particular the Yellow Zone. We added to our Zones books on our iPads and talked about what things help us when we are in the Yellow Zone at home. Miss Smith and Miss Greenwood’s group were outside on the bikes working on their gross motor skills.

Tuesday started with Group 2 shopping with Mrs Fisher, Miss Smith and Miss Greenwood. We were perfecting our road safety skills by checking when it was safe to cross the road, and using zebra and pelican crossings safely too. In school, Mrs Cobham and Miss Holliday were working on some English targets, whilst a third group went into 10R to do some Maths work with Mrs Powell.

It was cooking on Tuesday afternoon. One group worked in the Food Tech room with Mrs Cobham and Miss Holliday following a recipe for puff pastry pizza, whilst another group stayed in class with Mrs Fisher and were learning how to make a hot drink safely. Finally, Miss Smith and Miss Greenwood’s group were practicing pouring liquid to a line on a container, one of the skills needed to successful make a drink of juice.

On Thursday morning, Group 3 went shopping with Mrs Cobham and Miss Smith. They were working on locating items in the supermarket and walking safely to and from the supermarket. Back in class, the rest of us were completing some Maths and English work with Mrs Fisher, Miss Greenwood and Miss Holliday. On Thursday afternoon, Miss Anderton came into 10G to teach Science where they were continuing their work on Forces.

We finished off the week with Group 4 going shopping with Mrs Fisher and Miss Holliday whilst everyone else finished off any bits of things that we had missed during the week with Mrs Cobham, Miss Smith and Miss Greenwood.

A huge congratulation to not one, but TWO Stars of the Week this week in 10G- Clayton and Katie! Clayton has been much more open about his feeling’s this week which has meant that staff can help him more, which is fantastic. And Katie has been on fire this week, gaining all her hearts on her reward chart at home, trying really hard to do the right thing when she is in the Red Zone at home, and also being honest about how she is feeling when in class. We are very proud of them both!

It is our last week in class before half term next week. Mrs Fisher has sent an email regarding our treat dinner in class on Friday, please send any monies into school by Thursday 9th Feb.

Mrs Fisher, Mrs Cobham, Miss Greenwood, Miss Smith and Miss Holliday