What a day it has been! 

When we arrived at school this morning we had some extra special breakfast treats in class. Then whilst we were just sitting down to do morning group, Santa arrived! We all received a present from him and then sat and waited till it was our turn to open them. We were so happy with all of our presents and really enjoyed playing with them this morning! 

When we came back into class this afternoon we had a party set up! We played pass the parcel and then had some yummy foods - especially the chocolate cake Mrs Mahood made! 

Because some of the other classes were having parties too we went into the hall along with 8G, 8R and 9G and played musical statues, musical bumps, over and under and then finally sleeping lions. We all had a great time and won some prizes! 

It has been a magical day in 7G today and everyone is so excited for our last day tomorrow! Yippee!