Yesterday was our first history day of the year and we got to learn all about the Victorians.


Oak class got busy finding out that; 

  • A lot of victorian people were poor.
  • Children would work in the factories.
  • Some Victorian people were very clever and invented things that we still use today.


In the morning we played a game and explored how different houses looked and we discovered what different household object looked like in the Victorian times.


Then we found out that children could not go to school if they were poor and that they would work long hours in the noisy factories. We even found out about some inventions that were created by Victorians. Oak class did super guessing what the inventions were. Isobel guessed the phone. Amir and Ruby could tell us about the letterbox. Josh and Ethan told us about the bike - Ethan even told us it was a penny-farthing, with a big wheel at the front and a tiny wheel at the back. We even found a car - this was tricky for us to guess. We then played another game were we had to remember all the inventions, we all did super remembering. 


Before dinner we got busy in the ‘factory’ using different objects to create our own inventions. Mia made the biggest Victorian tower, Ethan made a time machine that could spin really fast, Oscar made a car, Josh made an aeroplane and Isobel made a post box. We listened to some of the factory sounds too - we didn’t really like them as they were very loud. Amir said it sounded like a loud train. Some of us even covered our ears!


In the afternoon we got to be history detectives, looking through old objects. We learnt these are called artefacts. We explored them with our bodies and guessed what they were. 

Josh said he thought the first artefact was used for squashing hard food - it was a potato masher!

Amelia thought the second artefact was a cup and Ethan thought it was for a candle - it was a candle holder that the victorians would carry around the house because they did not have electricity. Isobel then pretended to put the candle out using another artefact. 

Our third artefact was a brush used to clean floors because the Victorians did not have hoovers. Tig, Oliver and Ruby did super scrubbing of the floor!

Our last object was tricky. Ruby said it was a rock and Ethan said it was coal! Mia then said it was for the fire! We then got to tell Miss Woods about the artefacts we explored, while enjoying our mini, sweet, afternoon tea!