Last week Oak Class celebrated Children’s World Mental Health Week through various activities learning about our emotions, our friendships and how it is good to be us!

Miss Cross did different Attention Autism activities, were we named different emotions we might feel, some of us had turns drawing the faces, making the faces and even drawing the faces and saying something that makes us feel that emotion. Tig said he is excited when he plays with his brothers. Ruby said she is angry when her sister does not leave her alone. Oscar and Oliver said their mummy’s makes them happy. Amir said he is excited when he goes to Ethans house and when he gets to go swimming!

We made fruit faces in food-tech, using pancakes, strawberries, bananas and blueberries. Oak Class showed super sharing and turn taking skills. The teachers heard lots of super words being used about ‘happy’ ‘sad’ and ‘angry’ faces! Tig asked Ethan if he would like to share his banana and then cut it in half! Mia showed off her fantastic knife skills. Josh even discovered that blueberries are different inside! 

We asked our friends to play, made friendship bracelets and medals, played games taking turns, matched pictures of emotions and more....