Dear 7R,

It has been a very strange week with most of you learning from home this week. Miss Beck, Miss O’Connell and I are missing you all so much but we are so glad that you are keeping safe at home! We will be blogging weekly so that you can all see what each other have been up to each week and hopefully we will all be back together again soon!

This week lots of you have been busy on Education City and Purple Mash as well as working through the work packs I send home last week. It’s great to see that you are continuing to learn and practice your skills at home. You have also been busy doing some fun activities at home which is fantastic. Tyler has been busy doing DIY, Kristen and Tyler have been baking, Jenny has been on some lovely dog walks in the sun to practice her road safety skills, Kristen made slime and Emily has been making creations with Lego. Wow! Keep on having fun at home. All of these experiences are fantastic learning opportunities and a great way to make new memories! 
Please keep sending in your photos so that we can see what you are up to! 
Keep staying safe at home, 

Mrs Crouch