I have had a flood of photos in this week,

Well done for all the hard work you have been doing team. Me, Mrs McShane, Mrs Matthew and Mrs Jones are very proud of all the work you have done. We have loved hearing from you on emails and EFL. 
Haven't the TAs done fab with their videoing skills too! 

This week pupils have taken part in a number of functional learning activities. These include, showing appreciation to others, cooking meals, planning and problem solving, environment based learning in line with Earth Day, we have also seen activities to help us relax and communicate better with others through the playing of board games and making our own games. 
I have done a LOT of Purple Mash and Education City marking also so you certainly all have been busy!
As a class, we certainly haven't forgotten to make the most of this gorgeous weather and are continuing to take part in exercise, walks in the park, running, Just Dance, Tik Tok videos and wall tennis are just some ways in which we are keeping active. 

We have mastered this 'Lockdown Learning' or 'Learning From Home'.

Remember to keep an eye on our YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1y05NXm4WoqWfaor5v0Mhw) and check for EFL based challenges as well as Purple Mash, Education City and your learning packs.

Keep in touch and have a fantastic weekend, I look forward to seeing your photos next week!


Mrs Tolan