Hi everybody,

Thank you to everyone who is sending me information and photographs to show me what you have all been getting up to. This week I have been busy with getting lots information together for you all to carry on with activities at home. I will be emailing parents and carers later today....

I have also been enjoying helping my children with their schoolwork and we have even done some of it in the garden, enjoying the sunshine. My two dogs are really enjoying me being at home and love to go on a walk with us each day as well as playing outside. 

Well what has everyone been getting up to:

Georgia has been making playdoh and then using it in playdoh gym. She has been making fantastic crafts by threading pine cones and making an Easter tree.  She has been doing lots of sport by playing cricket and rounders with her family. She has also enjoyed making pancakes for her family too. Well done  Georgia on working on your homework!!

Eleanor  - This week she has been a good girl by doing her work each day on purple mash, and working hard on spelling during her daily walks. She has also enjoyed playing lots of Eye Spy. Eleanor walks past the horses and she stops to say hello each day; she is missing her horse riding but knows the horses are safe and will see her when the germs have gone away. Eleanor has worked very hard on her homework this week - great work Eleanor!!

Isaac has been working hard with his Mum and Dad doing lots of jobs and enjoying the garden. He is working so very hard on his number and his reading and writing too. At the end of last week, Dad sent me so many photos of all the things he has been doing.....well done Isaac. 

Jessie has worked hard her Education City tasks; she particularly enjoyed completing the magnetism activities. After she had done those tasks she went around the kitchen looking for things that might be magnetic. Fantastic work Jessie. Jessie is telling me that she is getting quite fed up being at home now and I know that lots of you are.  We all miss you Jessie - we will see you soon I hope. 

Joshua has been working on his writing this week. He has done some fantastic over writing and tracing. He has also been looking at telling the time to O'clock...Wow that is really hard work Joshua. I really liked the photos of you collecting weather cones. 

Nathan is spending lots of time with Mum working on his school work. He has been using technology to email me with his work so fantastic work Nathan.  Mr Murphy is very impressed. He has done some fantastic mental maths activities and some great work on phonics.  Great stuff Nathan. 

Lucas has also been very busy doing school work. He has completed all of his homework pack and has also finished his online homework too.  Amazing work Lucas. 

Amelia has been working very hard in school. she has been doing lots of activities that Mrs England has also put on a blog - please have a look at what she has been getting up to. 

Ms. Lea also wants to me to pass on her message to you:

 - Hi 10G. I do hope you are all safe and well..

This week I have been mostly working from home so I have been using my laptop to do lots of courses and reading online, which has kept me very busy. I've also been out on a lovely walk every day to a park, yesterday I even remembered to take some bread to feed the ducks on the pond. It was really good fun and made me laugh when the ducks all waddled towards me.  I've also done some gardening, cooking and I've listened to music on my Alexa.  Later in the afternoon I have enjoyed sitting in my garden in the sun whilst having a cup of coffee and listening to the birds. In the mornings I have been going into school to check that everyone is well.  

Well I do hope you are all making fab choices at home ( I'm sure you are). 

Take care of yourselves. 

Love Ms Lea xxx

In other news - please remember that it is MADD week next week and I am really looking forward to seeing any activities that you get up to in either music, art, dance or drama. Please send me any photos that you may have. The theme this year is 'Performing Arts in Different Countries around the world.' Watch out for the school videos that will be uploaded each day next week onto the YouTube channel- we hope that you enjoy them!!

New Sign of the Day videos - co-ordinated by Mrs Cobham and Mrs Brereton - these are also being uploaded onto the School YouTube channel each day. 

Mr Welsh will be uploading the Star of the Week assembly video later today...who will get Star of the Week this week?

And lastly...I am on holiday next week. If you have any queries or questions, please contact school directly on BST@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk or call on 01257 262227.

Stay safe everyone!!!

Mrs Powell