Hello everyone!

I hope you are keeping well and staying safe! We are on week 12 of learning at home. I can’t believe it! It has been so long since we were all together!

Six Star Challenge

I would like to say “Well done” to Joshua and Eshan who both earned 4 stars this week! I would also like to congratulate Harry on his 3 stars and Katie and Jacob for getting 1 Star! Fantastic work!

Let’s have a look at what you have been up to this week!


Katie has been in school this week and it looks like she has been very busy! She has been continuing to practice learning her number bonds. She has also made her very own rainbow chain with a pot of gold at the end, which she did all by herself. I know that Katie has also been recognising feelings such as happy or angry from pictures! Well done Katie! I also want to add that I am so impressed with Katie’s drawing skills that she is developing! This week she has drawn an amazing version of SpongeBob!


Harry has been working really hard at home this week. He went on a very long walk with his dad and brother, using a map to help them find the way! He also has been doing some great work on education city, working on his 2D and 3D shapes and he has been making his own healthy plate! Amazing! Harry also read The Hungry Caterpillar with his brother.


Jacob has had a great week. He has been out at the park and has done some crayon rubbings. He has been working hard at home, doing jobs around the house and making drinks for his family members. Jacob has worked hard on his communication this week, recalling the story of The Hungry Caterpillar and practicing some overwriting to support his use of a pencil. Super!


Clayton has made some super choices at home, doing some work with his Nan. He did lots of work on his number bonds, using felt tips to help him work out the answers. He also sorted foods into how often you should eat them. I like the choices you made Clayton!


Joshua has had another busy week! He made some cookies, practiced recognising his sounds, done some overwriting, made a jam sandwich, sorted shapes into the right places, answered questions about The Hungry Caterpillar and made his own hungry caterpillar necklace. Wow!


Eshan has been a superstar, completing lots of work this week! He has been working on his book review of The Hungry Caterpillar, sorting 2D and 3D shapes, making a healthy food plate and has done lots of work on Education City and Purple Mash. Amazing!

What have the adults been up to?

Miss Hendy

I have been working from home this week. It was Tom’s birthday, so we had a takeaway tea, and I decorated the house for it! I have also been trying to make healthy choices when eating for most of the week, just like I know you have!

Mrs Mahood

Mrs Mahood has been working from home too. She has been filming some YouTube videos. Mrs Mahood has been on some more walks with Barney, and she made a carrot cake (which was very yummy!)

Miss McPartlin

Miss McPartlin has been working hard at home. She has been on some local walks and went to see her dad on his birthday!

Mrs Webb

Mrs Webb has also been busy working from home! She has been making lots of resources for you all and is doing lots of online courses!

Well done everyone for another super week. Next week is Sports Week so keep an eye out for lots of fun activities to take part in!

Stay Safe!