Hi everyone,

Hope you are all keeping well and safe and finding lots of fun and interesting things to be doing at home...certainly from what you were showing us and talking about on last week's class video meet it sounds like you are all enjoying finding lots of things to do. 

I have been very busy this week both in school and at home but  I have also been trying to relax and chill with a couple of good books. I have also been going out on some long walks in the evenings. 

Lets see what some of you have been up to this last week. 


Georgia has been busy in the kitchen making bacon butties for breakfast, that sounds like a brilliant thing to do Georgia....bacon butties are the best (especially with brown sauce ). I can see from the photo that, as usual, you were being very grown up and sensible around the hot oven. 

I see that you have also been relaxing and taking it easy in the summer house in your garden...I bet that was a lovely way to chill out. 

Well done Georgia


Nathan has been working on his laptop this week doing lots of 'more or less' maths as well as lots of other things. 

You do some fantastic work Nathan and I like the way you use your laptop such a lot so that you don't forget how to do things on it. Ms Lea is spending more time on her own laptop than ever before so I do know how important it is to keep practising. 

Fantastic work as always Nathan.


Eleanor has been practising her pencil control by tracing over lines very carefully. I can see from the photo that you really concentrated and worked hard on this activity Eleanor. 

I also really like the NHS card that you have made...its is so lovely and colourful. 

Your dogs look very sweet  on the photo's although I bet they can get up to mischief sometimes . 

Great work this week Eleanor.  


This week Joshua has been practising his reading which is always a very important thing to do...I like the photo of the book that you were reading, it looks very colourful and interesting. You will have to let us know what is was about and maybe you could tell us which is your favourite book. .  

Keep up the good work  Joshua


Isaac has been really busy again this week doing lots of activities around his home. Well done on tidying your own bedroom Isaac and the jigsaw that you completed with your dad looks great. 

Isaac has also been working on his numbers including fractions which is fabulous as well as taking part in the 6 star challenge. 

Its great to hear that you have also been working on purple mash and Education City as well as keeping very active joining in with the zumba class with your mum. 

Excellent week Isaac, well done. 


Well, that's it for now, don't forget our class video meet next Tuesday at 1pm...be great to catch up with as many of you as possible. 

Take care and please stay safe,  Ms Lea. x