What a fantastic week Sycamore Class have had now we are all back together – it is great to see lots of friendships forming so soon. 

  • This week we have continued to learn our teachers and our friend’s names, but it has been even trickier because now there are 11 children and 3 teachers. We have lots of names to remember, but Sycamore are doing a great job. 

  • In morning group, we have been learning how to ask our friends how they are feeling as well as identifying our own feelings. We have had lots of happy, excited and tired children in class this week – as well as happy and tired teachers too! 

  • We have enjoyed sharing lots of carpet activities including ‘What’s in the Box’ and the Pinocchio sensory story. Sycamore did a great job at retelling parts of the story and answering questions. 

  • Sycamore have been exploring different movement activities, both inside and outside. We have been thinking carefully about our engines and how the activities make them feel.  

  • We have continued to work on our social skills, playing games with our new friends, sharing toys and taking turns. 

Sycamore have really impressed their teachers with all their hard work. 

Well done everybody!