Sycamore are Healthy Hero’s
This term in Sycamore, we are learning all about making healthy choices!
As part of this we have been making fruit skewers!
We have all worked super hard on being able to cut our fruit independently and place the fruit on the skewer, all while independently following our instructions!

Some of Sycamore take on Boccia
On Friday some of Sycamore Class went to a Boccia competition at All Seasons Sports Centre in Chorley.
They worked really hard and represented Astley Park so well, we are so proud of them!
They cheered on all the other schools in the competition and we wracked up loads of points when it…

Autumn 2 so far in Sycamore Class
This half term so far we have enjoyed a range of different activities, these include, celebrating Halloween and exploring a variety of Halloween themed activities, such as pumpkin picking in our very own pumpkin patch, pumpkin carving and spooky stories with Mrs Mahood. We have also done…

Halloween in sycamore 2024
Learners in Sycamore class had a fantastic surprise when they arrived at school this morning. Overnight, a pumpkin patch had appeared on the grass outside their classroom! Everyone went outside to choose their own pumpkin, which they then brought back into the classroom. The next job was to scoop…

New Beginnings with Sycamore
What an amazing start to term we’ve had in Sycamore class!
We have all enjoyed getting to know each other and taking part in lots of different activities learning about ourselves and our new friends. Some of the class have even enjoyed swimming. Have a great weekend and we’ll see you on Monday…
New Beginnings with Sycamore
What an amazing start to term we’ve had in Sycamore class!
We have all enjoyed getting to know each other and taking part in lots of different activities learning about ourselves and our new friends. Some of the class have even enjoyed swimming. Have a great weekend and we’ll see you on Monday…

Sycamore Class in the community
We have been on lots of community visits so far this Summer term, our learners have shown us how brilliant they can be whilst out and about!
- Lovely independent walking
- Amazing road safety skills
- Super independent shopping
Can’t wait to get out and about more!

We had a SUPER World Book Day in Sycamore Class.
Sycamore Class were joined by some new friends from The Hive at Buckshaw primary school.
Our friends joined us for a morning of World Book Day fun, we started off in the hall where we all took part in a Super Hero themed drama…
Who Wants To Win £20 Voucher WINNER!!!!!!
Thank you to the 6 parents who enrolled and completed the National College Annual Award in Online Safety for Parents and Carers 2023-2024!
I am sure you found this super helpful- there will be more courses for parents and carers on here in the future!
The wheel has been spun and the…

Super sycamore !
On Monday group 2 went swimming. We are so proud of the achievements of group 2 this week . All of the children got in the pool and have shown us confidence and so much willing . The children did some super scooping with arms , kicking and blowing bubbles in the water.
In maths we have continued…

Snow day in sycamore class !
On Tuesday we arrived at school to a beautiful white blanket of snow.
We could not miss this opportunity to give our children a range of experiences.
The children did some brilliant team work , using good communication skills , taking turns to build the most fabulous snowman .
In maths we…

Welcome back Sycamore Class!
Happy New Year Sycamore Class!
This week we have jumped straight back into our curriculum!
This half term in Maths we are learning all about ‘time’ this week our focus has been ‘before and after’ where we have been ordering the days of the week, our morning schedules and following…