Today Willow Class took part in Hello Yellow day, raising money to support young people’s mental health on World Mental Health Day.

We have learnt all about the zones of regulation this term. We been working hard to recognise our own emotions and to understand how our brain and bodies feel when we feel different emotions. Today we looked at being positive, to keep us happy and in the green zone!

We learnt all about how being positive can make us feel happier and how smiles are contagious! We looked at positive affirmations, chanting some together to get us all feeling good about ourselves. 
 Then we had a go at Miss Riley’s skittles game where we had to pick a skittle, look at its colour and then find a positive adjective in the same colour from Miss Riley’s sheet. We used our adjective to make a positive affirmation just for ourselves then ate the skittle!

Everyone sat with their friends, drawing a self portrait while chatting about what makes them special and what we like about each other. 
Then we shared some activities with our friends, taking time for ourselves to do things that make us feel happy.

What a super end to another fantastic week Willow Class!