9G have taken part in an activity this week where we have made our own Sadaqah Jars or Kindness Jars. Sadaqah is about being charitable to others, and we are doing this in class by being kind to one another. 

All the parents sent in lots of Jars for 9G so there was enough for other classes to use which is great!

First of all this week, we decorated our Jars using glue and chosen coloured tissue paper. This was a little bit sticky and messy, but everyone had a go and challenged themselves. 

Today we have decorated our Jars with the My Kindness Jar label, and have added kindness acts that we can take part in. 

We have also taken part in some turn taking game with one another, and worked together in our role play and tuff tray areas. 

Next week we are going to box up the items that the children have brought in to donate to the homeless. 

Well done 9G!