We did it 9G! We made it through the half term! Let's see what we have been up to this week!

Learners in School

The learners in school have been finishing lots of bits off including their Maths work, mainly working on number - addition and subtraction and amounts! 9G have also been celebrating two events; Valentines Day, which we have made a variety of crafts for; and Chinese New Year where they learnt about it being the Year of the Ox and the festivals and how the Dragon works during the parade. They have also made some dragon crafts and taken part in some colouring activities. This week with Mr Murphy they have continued with drawing for different films; this week was the jungle book! 9G have also taken part in the Six Star Challenge getting the bronze award!

Let's see what everyone else has been doing at home!


Charlie has been taking part in the Six Star Challenge this week by helping to make soup at home and doing some meditation. Charlie has also been doing some baking at home! This week Charlie also made his online safety promise, and did some super maths work with Miss Hendy on a video call. Well done Charlie!


Daisy has been very busy at home this week! Daisy has continued to complete activities from her work bank including finding amounts, colourful semantics and mark making. Daisy has also been working on some science experiments and continuing with her dancing! Well done!


Rose has also been busy taking part in the Six Star Challenge this week. She has wrote a card to her mum saying thank you for the work she has been helping her with, she has done some mediation and has been drawing the shapes she has found in her living room. Rose has also been working on her addition and subtraction and has done well using counters and Numicon shapes. 


Francesca has been continuing her work on her addition and subtraction, answered some comprehension questions about her favourite stories, and coloured in a lovely picture of Captain Sir Tom Moore. Francesca has also been very busy in school this week!


Ben has mainly been in school this week, but whilst he has been at home as worked really hard on some addition and recognising amounts.


Well done 9G, you have worked very hard this half term. Have a lovely rest and we will see you in a week!