7A have really impressed the staff team this week with their hard work, kind words and team spirit! 

In our My Thinking and Problem Solving lessons this week we practiced our number skills with Mrs Fisher. We also took part in Safer Internet Day on Tuesday and had some fabulous discussions about how to keep ourselves safe online and about fake news. We really enjoyed the live lesson. Jake had a great discussion with staff about ages when different social media apps could be used, Daniel talked about what to do if an unknown person tried to speak to you, and Owen G told staff that he would speak to his Mum if he was worried about anything that happened online. Megan made a great fake news poster at home. Well done! 

In our My Community lessons we finished our unit of work that focused on the film Toy Story as part of our Let’s Go to the Movies theme. Learners in school wrote some fantastic film reviews, practicing writing in full sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Well done. Learners at school and at home have also been working hard on their reading this week, with a focus on comprehension of what we have read. We also learnt about Chinese New Year and read a story about the way the animal names were selected by the Jade Emporer. We learnt that this year is the year of the Ox which is the same as the year most of us were born in. 

In our My Creativity lessons we have made valentines crafts to take home. We hope the recipients enjoy them! 

Our Me and My Body lessons continued to explore changes to the body. We compared changes in boys and girls and thought about which changes happen to both boys and girls. We then enjoyed a Just Dance disco! It was lots of fun. 

There have been some WOW moments for the learners at home. Owen G has been busy making a bird house with Grandad, Annie is developing a S’mores business, Josh has worked hard in all his Teams sessions and Megan has done some super writing! Connor, Josh and Teddy have all he enjoying engaging in educational games on their new chrome books too! 

Learners in school have also taken part in a walk in memory of Sir Captain Tom Moore. We talked about what a special man he was and Connor and Owen even wore medals in his memory. 

Well done to our Stars or the Week, Joshua and Amelia! We are really proud of you both. 

We are all really looking forward to half term. Have a brilliant week 7A.