This week in Chestnut Class, we have been reading the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.

We have enjoyed making our own caterpillars, exploring the fruit that the caterpillar ate in the story, counting the fruit, and having fun in our sensory story tuff tray. We even went on our very own bug hunt, looking for the caterpillar and his friends. We took our ‘I can see’ board so that we knew what we were looking for. We looked under leaves, picked up fallen branches, looked high up in the trees, and dug in the soil. We found worms, spiders, ants, and even a leaf that looked just like the very hungry caterpillar!!!! It was so much fun and we all did super sensible walking.

Our friends at home have been super busy too.

Bobby has been baking. He has made an amazing cake and then decorated it, so it had a pig face!! Bobby even helped make the face. Great work Bobby, your cake looks yummy!

Harrison has been very busy. He has been doing some super counting and watching Mummy write the letters in flour. He has also been getting messy with paint. He made a super picture of the caterpillar, using handprints. We think you will all agree it looks great!!

Our Star of the Week this week is …… George. George loved our bug hunt and did some super walking whilst commenting on what he could see. Well done George!

Have a lovely weekend Chestnut Class. Fingers crossed the sun stays out!

Miss Heaton, Miss Beck, Mrs Worthington, and Miss Howarth