9G have had an amazing start to the final half term in 9G!

We settled in well getting straight back into our number and reading work. 9G also got on well in our instruction giving activity in P.E, particularly as it was very hot! 

9G went on a wild flower hunt as part of The World About Me, and we were able to locate most of the ones we were looking for on the school grounds! 

9G have also been continuing to work on our camper vans - watch this space we will be sharing the final products very soon! Our other crafty task is a secret for Sunday 20th … I wonder what it could be? 

This week 9G have had a very successful trip to Astley Park. Everyone was amazing and did good listening the whole way there and back! 

As well as all of this 9G have been working on learning the time! 9G have been great at recognising o’clock and some children can even recognise half past and quarter past! 

A great few weeks 9G! Only a few more to go!