This week 7 a have shown positivity and willing whilst working through some multiplication this week . They have explored building and analysing the array method. 
All the children have impressed all the staff with their determination to understand and complete their work. 
This week we have celebrated safer internet day . The children worked through what is safe information to share and what is not safe to share online . Once this was understood the children created videos of friends to share on apple clips of sharing safe information . Once created they was able to use filters and edit their videos using speech captions and emojis . 
In English the children have used their iPads to create a book about feelings. They enjoyed discussing their feelings and the sensations they experience. We looked at different sensations that happen to our body when we have the different feelings. The children used a sheet of information to support them explain these sensations for example one child said ‘when I’m angry my body shakes’ . This has helped the children communicate their feelings to peers and staff. 
On Wednesday we got arty and used clay to create something special, for someone special to us. The children watched how to use the different tools safely. They then had a go themselves at creating either a message, love heart or something of their choice from clay. The clay was set and later in the week painted and decorated. 

On Thursday the children all made a get well soon card and wrote personal messages inside for a pupil in 7a who has been a little poorly . We have such a caring class , I’m sure these will cheer her up ! 

In PE the children have practiced jumping and landing safely. They tried lots of ways to move around using different jumping techniques. Then finished off with forward rolls . This was harder than it looks but 7a smashed it and are certainly ready to roll into half term. 

The teachers have heard some amazing reading and the children have done so well answering questions after reading their books . We are so proud to be seeing the progress your making. 

Towards the end of the week relaxation had to on the cards. We tried lots of different activities and ways to regulate our bodies. Yoga was a great way to relax and unwind from the busy week. We tried really hard to stretch our muscles and rest our bodies and minds. It most definitely worked . Some children explored the outdoors doing some lifting and pushing the wheelbarrow , whilst others enjoyed some football on the pitch . The girls enjoyed having a long chilled walk around the track whilst winding down for a chat with friends and teachers . 


On Friday with Miss Troughton the children worked outside using crayons to get some different textures of the environments in our world . When we had collected enough we used scissors and glue to create a collage of ‘the world’ using the environment rubbings . 

What a week 7 a !! 

Your so ready to roll into half term , and hopefully leap back to school after your break ! 
Enjoy your break and stay safe ! 

Mr Massey, Mrs Smith , Mrs Lane , Mrs Scambler and Mr Crew