The last two weeks in 8P
The last two weeks in 8P have been really busy we have had lots of learning opportunities and lots of fun along the way. Last week we had Children in need Pudsey day, Which could only mean Mrs Hands bucket time was Pudsey bucket time!!
we have learned all about on line safety and continued with…

Children in Need at Astley Park School 2023
What a wonderful Children in Need day we have had around school. There has been a great variety of activities going on around school including sensory, fine motor, learning about why we celebrate the day and dressing up in our favourite Pudsey attire!
Thank you to everyone who has donated. We…

Friendship week and Community Visits
7P have had a wonderful friendship week! We talked about being kind friends and not being selfish through our story about Stan the star fish! We then made friendship bracelets and wrote words on that we felt were features of being a good friend. Today we have taken pictures of our chosen friend in…

Pictures from week back
Sorry 8P friends and family, last week’s pictures failed to load. I have made a separate blog so you can see them.

Happy Halloween from Year 11
Halloween Goody Bags and Disco!
A Massive Thank You to everyone who supported our recent ‘Fundraising for Prom’ events!
We made over £250 towards our end of year prom!
And whilst this is amazing we were also ticking valuable boxes off our ASDAN qualification- working as a group- we had to…

8P show racism the red card
This week in 8P we celebrated show racism the red card day. The class took part in lots of class learning about different people and how being different is ok. The whole class made great contributions to a class discussion about different skin,eye,hair and clothes. We talked about how it’s never…

Week 4 in 8P
This week in 8P we have had a spinning time with lots of fun.
We have played shop, learning money and communication skills together. The shop soon turned into a shop run by a super hero charging over 100 pounds for a pair of gloves.
We continued with our topic of The weather, having daily…

7A A fun first week 9/9/22
It was a great, fun filled first week for the students and staff of 7A alike.
Old friendships were rekindled after the long six week break and new friendships were made whilst the students had so much fun learning whilst joining in with lots of different activities including accessing our…

Holiday Heroes: Group 3 - Week 4
Group 3 have had a very busy and enjoyable last week of Holiday Heroes.
On Tuesday they went swimming and shared lots of laughs and giggles in the pool. Group 3 played lovely together and took turns using the toys and equipment out in the pool. They enjoyed different ball games including throw…

Holiday Heroes Week 4 Group 1
Group 1 have had a super week in Holiday Heroes. This week we have been to the Space Centre, spent time in the sensory room, been on the bouncy castle and had a super time on the new playground. We have thoroughly enjoyed playing lots of fun games with our friends and getting to explore…

Thank you Morrisons
Morrisons in Chorley kindly donated a £75 voucher for us to use in store on delicious healthy food and treats for our Holiday Club. We bought lots of lovely fruit, together with natural yoghurt and fruit juices so the children could make their own tasty but very healthy smoothies. We also bought…

Holiday Heroes Week 4 Group 2
Everyone in group 2 has had an amazing final week in our Holiday Heroes club.
On Tuesday, we had lots of fun playing in the hall on the wobble boards, bikes, didi cars and scooters. We also played in the sensory room and outside on the playground. We made some delicious fruit smoothies…