This half term 9R have done lots of interesting work looking at the theme of Our World and other cultures.

In particular we have been learning more about the devastation surrounding deforestation and the impact that it is having on animals and other wildlife. We also learnt about palm oil and how trees are cut down to produce it, we looked at other oils that could be used instead.

Linked to our topic we also made two beautiful colourful collages of a parrot and a tiger…they are now in pride of place on our classroom wall and we also used the collage of the tiger to link in with our Chinese New Year topic. Also, during our PSHE work we watched a video and took part in discussions and a debate on the topic of girls staying at home in other countries whilst the boys are encouraged to go to school…this was very interesting and made for a lively but friendly class debate.

Music has been great fun this half term and all of the students got involved, and joined in with listening to, singing along and beating out the music as we played Bob Marley Three little birds.

We talked about about  the beat of the music and also the style, which was reggae and then compared his style of music to that of other musicians before looking at his life and finding out facts about him. 


During our usual weekly maths lessons we have been concentrating on addition and subtraction, this culminated in working out the cost of McDonald’s orders , deciding what we would choose and then checking to see if we had enough money, and if not, how much more we would need or which item of food would need to be left out. 
Mr Smith then very kindly put our order in at McDonalds on Friday, the last day of term, and so we all enjoyed a McDonalds meal.   A fitting end to a very busy half term.