What a wonderful and very messy time we had in Chestnut Class on Shrove Tuesday. During Stage 2 Attention Autism we watched Miss Spear create a pancake mixture and in Stage 3 we took turns to flip a pancake! Chestnut Class have been working very hard on their turn taking skills which require them to sustain their joint attention skills, observe others and wait and listen for their name before joining in the fun! We are so proud of our learners as they navigate this tricky skill and we have seen huge progress this term. We have been exploring and finding different ingredients to add, pour and mix in the bowl and some of us even cracked the eggs! After we had made a mixture we ate them at snack time and made choices of delicious toppings of chocolate and strawberry sauce and banana and orange pieces- they were delicious


Lovely engagement in this session- well done Chestnut Class!