Willow class had a super sports week whilst the sun was shining!!!

On Monday we had the bikes and trikes. We had lots of obstacles to manoeuvre around in order to practise our steering and space awareness. 

On Tuesday we spent the morning orienteering!! We split into small groups and were given clues to find special signs around the school grounds. We all did really well working out where the signs were and our teachers couldn’t believe how good we were at finding them all independently!!

We practised our hand eye coordination on Wednesday, hitting a ball with different bats. We all tried really hard and then did some fielding going to get our own ball. 

For the end of sports week on Thursday we had ball and net games in the sports cage, along with a special stomp rocket. We all practiced throwing balls and beanbags into different targets, using different throw styles and our aim. To finish the activity we all had a go at stomping on a rocket launcher to send it high into the sky!!! WOW!!!

Special mention to Grace who was our class sports championship for trying her best at all the sports, even ones she doesn’t normally like. 

Well done Willow Class, you were all sport superstars!!!