9A have had a brilliant week! 


In My Communication this week, the pupils have been learning more about adjectives (describing words). They have practised making sentences using adjectives. Some pupils used a book creator to place the missing adjectives into the sentences and some pupils wrote their own sentences using a noun and an adjective in each sentence. Our lessons were again linked to Witches/Wizards or Hogwarts, as this is our theme for this term. 


In My Thinking and Problem Solving this week, we have worked together as a class to make banana milkshakes! We really enjoyed making our own mixtures in groups/pairs. One group also made cheese, ham and chicken toasted sandwiches and the other group made lemon drizzle cake, which we ate at snack time. 


We started accessing the community again this week! Pupils visited the supermarket, library or park, based on their personalised learning goals and their curriculum for this term. They all behaved extremely well whilst accessing the community. 


Well done all for a fantastic week! Have a great weekend. 


Thank you, 


9A staff team 

Miss Buck, Ms Carter, Miss Berry and Miss Howarth