8P are starting to feel very festive now that December is here!

Our learners have noticed that they now need a coat on their daily weather walk because it is much colder. They have also noticed that we haven’t had any sunny days this week, but instead there were lots of cloudy days and even some fog. It has been wonderful to see our learners gaining confidence and getting creative our weather walks, where they are tasked with observing and documenting the weather each day. Many learners are now using the ‘Siri’ feature on their iPads to find out precise information about the daily weather, including the temperature!

We used a visual schedule to make Christmas cards to give to our local care homes. The pupils were so creative and they demonstrated lots of independence in following their schedules. The cards will really help us to spread joy in our local community this Christmas!

All learners have also continued to work really hard on their individual targets across all areas of learning. We are so proud of every pupil for the hard work they are putting into achieving their goals.

Mrs Hand delivered another fabulous Attention Autism session (AKA ‘bucket time’) on Thursday with a Christmas theme. These sessions bring so much joy, whilst enabling our learners to develop attention skills and turn-taking. This week Mrs Hand made snow using flour then shaving foam.

Rehearsals for our Christmas performance are also well underway!