As religious Studies is part of our collapsed options choices, 10R have had lots of fun looking at Judaism this week as part of World Religion Week.  We learnt about the story of Passover; when Moses led the Jewish slaves to freedom from the Egyptians. We looked at how families celebrate this festival each year.  We used lots of props to show the children what artefacts the Jewish people use e.g. the Seder plate, the Torah, Skull caps. Children also made sun catchers of the star of David as well as making Macaroons. This dish is made without yeast which would be something that Jewish families would eat during the festival of Passover (Pesach) as it does not contain yeast.  Children also looked at the concept of Kosher and were able to sort foods into kosher and non kosher. We looked at the meaning of the four cups of wine during the Passover festival and made our own goblet chains to hang in class. We had a lovely visit from Amy, a Faith Leader who came to talk to us about her faith. She taught the children some simple Hebrew words and they took part in activities to build a  2d picture of a sukkah or succah (a temporary hut) which is constructed for use during the week-long Jewish festival of Sukkot.