9A’s Blog in the learners own words. 

On Monday morning we looked at numbers in maths and some problem solving. In My Communication we started writing our own stories about a planet we have invented. We are learning about death and funerals in Understanding the World. It Has Been Raining All Day !!!!!

In Maths on Tuesday we did greater and less than numbers and ordering numbers from 1st -10th. In My Communication we invented a character for our story and wrote about what the character is like. In P.E we payed “The floor is lava”, we really enjoyed it. We also danced while we tried to walk around the hall. Our topic in P.E is Gymnastics and we practiced jumping. We were all amazing and remembered the techniques from last year. 
We tried some cake Miss Bentham made on Sunday. It Was Delicious!!!

On Wednesday morning we looked at 2D and 3D shapes and angles in maths. 
We went to Asda on the school minibus because it was raining. In Asda we did some shopping for our snacks and bought some food tech ingredients. We met Liv in the cafe and had a chat with her while we ate our lunch. We went to the park and then back to school.
Great day had by all. 

On Thursday morning we looked at shapes in maths. Joseph said “Second we did my communication and we read a poem and answered questions about what the poem said.” After lunch we did relax which we all enjoyed and helped us get calm. Then we did drama. We acted out the story of the Gingerbread man and we all played different characters. At the end of the day we did online safety and helped to write the blog. Then we had crisp for snack. 

On Friday we made a poppy wreath and took part in a minute silence to remember all of the fallen soldiers. We also had our food tech lesson. We made cottage pie again this week but changed the recipe to add things we liked or remove some of the things we don’t like. We really enjoyed it. In the afternoon we watch a film in golden time and then took part in celebration assembly. 
This weeks star of the week is Joseph for working independently in maths and showing great enthusiasm in drama. Well done Joseph. 
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.