Happy New Year Sycamore Class!

This week we have jumped straight back into our curriculum!

This half term in Maths we are learning all about ‘time’ this week our focus has been ‘before and after’ where we have been ordering the days of the week, our morning schedules and following instructions to make fruit skewers and use the language we have learnt to give our friends instructions to make fruit skewers.

In our PE lessons we will be focusing on ‘invasion games’ this half term we are learning how to play Hockey. On Monday we learnt how to hold our equipment and dribble a ball. Everyone worked really hard and dribbled a ball all the way around the track!

In Computing we are learning all about algorithm’s, we started this week by completing simple patterns with colours and shapes. 

As well as our personalised literacy and phonics targets, our whole class story this half term is ‘The Three Little Pigs’ we will be feeding this into our design and technology project where we are going to be making models of our own houses.

During Art this half term we are going to be looking at insects and using different materials to create our own insects. This week we looked at photographs of different insects and described them.

We began our PSHE topic of ‘keeping safe’ where we looked at different scenarios in houses and decided what was safe and unsafe. Miss Molloy then sabotaged the classroom and we worked together to help her make our classroom safe again.

This week we celebrated two birthdays, we sang happy birthday and enjoyed a slice of Cuthburt and Connie the caterpillar cake! Happy Birthday Jess and Lottie!

Looking forward to the rest of this term!