8P have had a fantastic 4-day week this week!
On Tuesday, we did our weekend news in the morning and learnt about postcards and zones in the afternoon.
On Wednesday, we did our weekly differentiated Colourful Semantics activities and we learn about strangers, safe strangers and online safety in the afternoon.
On Thursday, we learnt our number bonds to 10 and some of us learnt how to find numbers one and two. Then the children did their My Creativity lesson with Miss Troughton in the afternoon.
On Friday, we did our measures length lesson, which included doing lots of practical activities linked to shorter and longer, as well as taller and shorter. In the afternoon, we had golden time and then celebration assembly. Well done to our star of the week Ellie, for joining in with lots of activities this week and making good progress with her new in-task schedules. Well done to Josh for his special mention for always being kind to his friends.
What a fantastic week! Have a great weekend, see you on Monday.
Miss Buck