This week has been a busy first week back. As usual we first looked at what our friends had been up to over the half term. Some of us went on a holiday, some had some sleepovers, and some of us stayed and did lots of different things with our family and friends. We have celebrated Diwali in lots of different ways and Halloween has been a really fun celebration. As well as doing lots of hard work.
Diwali - We have completed lots of different activities this week. We have done some lovely mark making in the colourful sand. Used a sensory tray to find different colours, shapes and textures. And we have made our very own Diwali tea lights using different coloured material. This was tricky as there were lots of cutting and sticking to do. The children did a fantastic job! We watched a special video on what Diwali is, and why it is celebrated, and who celebrates it.
Halloween - This week was Halloween and to celebrate we completed lots of Halloween activities. We have had different sensory trays filled with all different kinds of interesting things to look at, feel and find. This helped in some of our lessons too! We spoke about how to keep safe when going out to do trick or treating and how to use our manners. We spoke about different costumes that our friends were going to wear for Halloween. Some of the children came to the Halloween disco.
We have made a caterpillar cake in cooking with Miss Troughton this week. We melted the chocolate and used the special moulds to make the caterpillar body parts and had to put them in the fridge and wait for them to go back to a solid to be able to stick them to the cake. The sticking was super fun, watching the cake slowly turn into a yummy caterpillar to eat.
We have worked on our reading and our maths this week and the work was amazing from all of the children that gave tried their absolute best in every activity. What a fantastic first week back after a half term!