9P Martin Luther King 20.01.25
On Monday this week, 9P learnt about Martin Luther King Day! We read a PowerPoint about this inspirational man and then watched a video about him, before also watching a video about Rosa Parcs who also took a stand for Black Civil Rights in America. The children really enjoyed learning about…
10A - Spring 1 Week 2 - W/B 13.01.25
This week started with Picture News again. This week we had to think answer the question 'Should you be allowed to build homes anywhere?'. We talked about what it would be like if people started to build houses in the middle of the track or in the middle of Astley Park. We also thought about what…
Martin Luther King Day in 11A
As part of our English today in 11A we have been looking at and talking about the importance of Martin Luther King Day, we watched some clips and then had a discussion about how we were all feeling.
Some of us said that it made us angry, upset about segregation and we all agreed that…
World Religion Week in Chestnut Class
This year for World Religion Week, Chestnut Class enjoyed exploring light linked to the Sikh celebration of Diwali. We made salt dough Diya lamps during our attention autism sessions and enjoyed turning the lights off and signing about our lamps on Friday afternoon to mark the end of the week.…
Spring 1 Week 2 In 10P
We’ve had another busy week in 10P!
On Monday most of us went to Asda in the morning to do some shopping for the week. Once we had bought all we needed we went to the cafe to buy ourselves some breakfast. This term we are starting some work experience placements so on Monday morning…
World Religion Week in 7P
World Religion Week.
This week at Astley Park School, it’s been World Religion Week.
7P has looked at Judaism.
The class watched a PowerPoint and learnt about Hanukkah.
We learned a story about an evil king called Antiochus who didn’t like people having different beliefs to…
A wintry week in Beech
This week Beech class have continued to explore winter. During our continuous provision, we explored different sensory snowmen, washed arctic animals, made our own snow and counted ice cream scoops.
During our adult led activities, we used our fine motor to do some cutting and sticking,…
Our trip to the zoo 2025!!
Three classes from the KS3 phase attended Blackpool zoo today. On the journey to Blackpool, it was very foggy. Once we arrived the fog cleared and the sun began to shine. The weather turned out beautiful and was lovely and warm!
Upon arrival, our dinners were dropped to our lunch area and…
Willow week 2
What a week Willow class has had! Our learners have enjoyed swimming, PE, food technology a visit to the supermarket and much more! We are so happy with our learners engagement and attainment during activities and tasks, they are all super stars. Our sensory story of Supertato ties in with our…
9P Spring Term 1 Week 2 2025
This week in class 9P, we have been busy with lots of different lessons and activities.
On Monday, we have been focusing on our phonics, picture news and reading.
We have also been focusing on our road safety, and with the weather being so bad outside we practised using the car mat in class.…
9P World Religion Week 2025
During World Religion Week, 9P we looked at the different religions and beliefs. Looking at the different Gods and places of worship.
The children watched a PowerPoint and discussed the different beliefs from around the world. Looking at similarities such as the Holy book, places of…
9P’s First week of 2025
We’ve had a fantastic first week back in 9P!
On Monday, we did Phonics, Picture News and PSHE in the morning. They did really well in their decision making activities linked to road safety and social skills. We also made a group decision on where we want to go on our reward class trip before…