In Oak Class we have really enjoyed celebrating World Religion Week with our friends at home. Miss Curry read us all the story of the Holi festival on our Teams call this week and Isla, Harvey and Toby used some really colourful powder paint to spell out the word Holi using a sieve. It was really fun to lift the paper and see the letters they had left in the tray! 


We had even more opportunities to explore colours when we baked Rainbow Cakes in class. We loved turning our cake mixture red and blue. After we did good waiting for our cakes to bake in the oven, we decorated our cakes with red, yellow and blue icing and we can't forget the marshmallows, chocolate chips and sprinkles too! They were so yummy!


Oak Class also loved seeing their friends and teachers exploring religious dances on Youtube and moving their bodies!


And we've not just been busy in class, our friends at home have been doing some work with Miss Curry and Miss Woods on Teams too. Noah loved listening to a special story about his teddies in a 1-1 session this week, Ellie enjoyed a story about Mr Tumble, Bobby has been trying really hard with his speech sounds and Oscar has been practicing writing and recognising letters! 


Well done everybody in Oak Class! All of your teachers love seeing you happy and trying really hard with your learning!