7P have celebrated Black History Month on the last week in class. 

We listened to a book called M for Melanin, where each letter of the book spoke about something to proud of about yourself and your skin colour. We learnt some Black History through this.

We then used mirrors and iPads to look at our selves and select the most appropriate colour for our skin tone from the Crayola colours of the world pencils. We all checked them against ourselves to get the best colour as we all had slightly different tones. We added in about our eyes and our hair colour too. 

Lastly Miss Hendy did an activity with some MnMs. We spoke about how they were all different on the outside, but when we took a bite, they were all chocolate on the inside, meaning they were the same. We applied this to ourselves and spoke about how we are all the same on the inside even though we may be different on the outside and that is ok!