A very busy but fun week in Rowan Class. We all enjoyed swimming and our independence skills, getting dressed, are really improving. On Pancake Day we all helped to add and mix the ingredients for some very yummy pancakes. We watched a short video of a young girl in Wales getting ready for St David's Day, and made some very colourful daffodils. We even tried to say Good Afternoon in Welsh, prynhawn da!

On Thursday we celebrated World Book, we read the Three Little Pigs story and made houses from straw, wood and bricks so that we could retell the story. We enjoyed a sensory story, the bouncy castle and especially enjoyed meeting the wolf and pig!

Our Star of the Week this week is Alex for joining in with all activities on World Book Day, even with the change of routine, well done Alex!

You have worked very hard this week Rowan Class, have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Down and the Rowan Class Team